(First Viewing)

Flash Gordon is an American football player who along with Dale Arden are returning to New York City after a long vacation, until the plane they are passengers on crashes into the laboratory of Russian scientist Dr. Hans Zarkov. Both Flash and Dale become unwilling passengers on-board Zarkov's rocket-ship as Zarkov sets a course for the planet Mongo. Arriving on Mongo, Flash and his companions find the planet is under the ruler-ship of the evil Emperor Ming the Merciless and Ming is attacking Earth with natural disasters as he bids to destroy Earth. Realising that Earth and the human race is in mortal danger, Flash decides to unite the kingdoms of Mongo and combine the forces of rivals Prince Baron and Prince Vultan to rescue Dale, who is to become Ming's wife and defeat Ming and save Earth from annihilation.

Believe it or not, if they ever remake FLASH GORDON, they'll have a standard to set it against. I thought this would be just another cheesy sci-fi movie. And even though it is slightly dated (1980), it was really a wonderful picture. I'd say it was a cross between BARBARELLA and MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. Sam J. Jones just visually seem to fit as Flash Gordon and Max von Sydow was very enjoyable as Emperor Ming. Getting back to when the film was made, for 27 years old, I don't think this movie needs much of an undate visually with today's technology. Sure I'd love to see what they would come up with, but in doing so, I just feel the original would lose some of its appeal. Any other fans of FLASH out there?