Here is the final installment:

First, my parents. They married in 1953. They lived in the New York area (Brooklyn, Long Island, then back to Brooklyn in 1962) until they retired to Florida in 1985. My mother suffered from declining health for over twenty years, and it showed. She died in Florida in May, 1987, at age 66. My father died in January, 1999, age 75.

Gloria married my mom's brother Phil in 1946 and became my favorite aunt. They lived on Long Island and we saw them quite often. She was one of the lovliest people ever put on this earth. Aunt Gloria and Uncle Phil had three nearly-perfect children (well, compared to me, at any rate...). Around 1985, Gloria was diagnosed with lymph cancer. She fought hard, but eventually died from the disease in August of 1989, just shy of her 67th birthday.

As for Uncle Phil, here the story takes an interesting turn. Remember Milton, his friend from boyhood? (He was in the Jewish Gangster photo) Milton also died in 1989. Not too long afterward, Uncle Phil married Milton's widow, Ruth. (It should be mentioned that Ruth also knew Phil and the whole "gang" since they were youngsters.) His health isn't the greatest these days, but Phil and Ruth live in New Jersey and try to stay as active as they can.

Since the 1960s, Phil was also well-known as an amateur magician. As Farvel the Marvel, he did a comedy magic act that would have people rolling on the floor. For his 80th birthday in 2003, relatives, friends and magicians came from all over to celebrate. And where was the celebration held? At Don Malta's favorite place on earth, Harold's in New Jersey!

From top to bottom:

Gloria and my mom, 1945

Gloria and Phil's wedding, 1946

My father and mother in 1984

Uncle Phil and Aunt Gloria in 1984

Aunt Gloria and my mother, 1986 (their last photo together)

Uncle Phil's 80th birthday party, 2003

Attached Files 187-Mom&Gloria1945.jpg188-Phil&GloriaWedding.jpg189-Mom&Dad1985.jpg190-Phil&Gloria1985.jpg191-Mom&Gloria1986.jpg192-Phil80th.jpg

"For me, there's only my wife..."

"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

"It was a grass harp... And we listened."

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"

"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."