Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Loved it!!

I thought it was in the top 5 of 1998.

I'm partial to Elmore Leonard, I've been reading him for more than 20 years. His books are just so damn hart to adapt, though.

Its probably because of Leonard's wit and style thats pretty much to mis-adapt. I still laugh at the idea that QT always thought the heroin in RUM PUNCH was a white woman. The same guy that can quote obscure-as-fuck Z movies from the 1940s, but not realize a certain little mistake like that? (or maybe he conciously changed it to just suit Pam Grier, and invented that story to excuse it. I wouldn't put it past QT.)

I tell you what was good, KAREN SISCO. Carla Gugino took over from Jennifer Lopez, and Carl is BETTER. She's legitimately tough and can handle herself quite well (which I can't say the same for J-Ho). Of course it was such a good TV show, it was cancelled by ABC.

But if it had aired on USA network, it would still be on TV. Hell, any awesome show these days are only on cable TV.