(First Viewing)

Shaun is a 29-year-old with no real ambition in life, much to the consternation of his friends, family, and fed-up girlfriend. With only a loyalty to his lazy best friend Edgar, a dead-end job where his employees step on him, and the good-ol' days, Shaun isn't exactly putting his best foot forward. But when the flesh-hungry undead start to rise in numbers around modern-day London, Shaun must come to the rescue of his girlfriend and mother before all hell breaks loose. With loyal Edgar at his side to fight the good fight, the two will have to pave their way through zombie-ridden London as Shaun must take on the first real challenge in his life--with comical results.

Better than I expected. I'm not a fan of zombie movies and furthermore, sorry as it might be to say, I'm not a fan of British movies/television. I just never really have. There are the few exceptions (SNATCH comes to mind right now), but by and large I've never been big on British film (especially British comedies). I'm glad this film proved me wrong and I'm looking forward to HOT FUZZ. Also, the zombie part of the movie was tolerable because it was done in a tongue-and-cheek style.