Well not necesarily a career change (still a non-profit geek) but a change in organizations.

After much soul searching, I have made the tough decision to move on as Executive Director of the Greater KC American Diabetes Association. I start as Executive Director of the American Stroke Foundation next week.

I love the ADA and believe they have (and will continue to do so) done more in the war on diabetes.

However, the ADA is a large organization and I feel I can make big difference in the lives of others with the American Stroke Foundation. The ASF is only 10 years old and is the only non-profit organization that provides post-rehabilitative services to stroke survivors. The goal is to build the ideal model in the KC metro and then use this model to build similiar sites across the nation.

I still have a passion for people with diabetes and, unfortunately, diabetes and stroke seem to go hand in hand. 2/3 of people with diabetes will die from a stroke or heart attack!

So wish me luck in my new endeavor and feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions about strokes (prevention, rehab, rights, etc...) or diabetes for that matter.

Here is the link to the organization's website. Check it out

Did you know that every 45 seconds, another American suffers a stroke -- about the same amount of time it took you to read this post. Will the next victim be your friend, mom/dad/brother/sister,etc... or some other loved one!?!