The place was filled with high school drama.


Basically, one of the managers and a few coworkers who he's friends with have been talking about me behind my back with other employees. I guess there's been a conspiracy to make me quit for a while now. I found out the other day, and today was the first time I'd been around them since I heard the news. It really came out of nowhere, because as far as I knew, we all got along great. I considered these guys to be some of my best friends.

So, I wasn't talking to anybody (because they're all a bunch of assclowns), minding my own business.. making orders and sending them out. I was moving slow, because I'm working with a back injury that my other manager seemed to have forgotten about. Then he (my other manager.. who, by the way, was there when I found out what was said.. and cheered me up and drove me home) came back and knocked over the taco shells I'd just stocked. Then he gets in my way and makes my orders and stuff, comes back and says "Are we gonna do this all night?" I asked what he meant, and he said "Are we gonna mope around and have a pity party for Katie all night?" And then he started mocking me and making fun of me.

I said "Fuck you", he said "Clock out", and here I am.

Sorry for ranting.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club