I'll add two more at the risk of boring everyone. Forgive the quality of these... I had to take digital photos from photos (my scanner is shot).

The first one is my dad circa 1935. He's on the beach in Coney Island, a respite from the hot streets of his native Brownsville (Brooklyn neighborhood). This was the summer he graduated from high school where he was on the track team; he ran the 100 yard dash in a respectable 10.1 seconds. He got some track practice while running from the cops (he was a self-proclaimed "hooligan"):


The second is my grandfather (my father's father). Here he is posing in front of a sign for his gym (he opened a gym for the neighborhood kids in Brownsville in which they could work out - one of the kids who wandered in was Dan Lurie who later went on to become a nationally known bodybuilder). This picture was taken in the late 30's when my grandfather was pushing 50 years old.

A quick story about him - (my dad and his sister swear its true): When my father was a young boy (probably about 1925 or '26) his father took him to Coney Island. They were walking on the boardwalk when they came across a large crowd watching "The Mighty Atom" (a famous strongman of the period who put on acts of strength like lifting heavy objects). He had just bent a horseshoe out of shape and he passed it around the crowd to show the onlookers that it was a real horseshoe. My father grabbed it and gave it to his father saying, "C'mon, Papa, bend it back". Onlookers laughed at the request but my grandfather took the shoe (and without benefit of the rags that The Mighty Atom used to grip the shoe) bent the shoe back into shape.
