Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl
...glad you guys can help me out on all the beer info. ;\)

Happy to be of service! Here on the BB, we know our suds!

I have some more pictures to post, but first I want to make an observation:

The Godfather covered - in the novel and the first two films - more than just 1946. Therefore, I think it would be only fitting to broaden our horizons to include photos from the earlier part of the twentieth century. The whole "coming to America" experience was such an important part of the novel and GF2.

Is this an excuse for me to post some newly-discovered family photos from that earlier era? Absolutely.

First, though, I want to tell everyone something that may not be commonly known in this cyber-digital age:

In the early part of the twentieth century, often times people sat for photos at a photographer's studio. There were painted backdrops, prop chairs, small pieces of furniture, etc. Photographs were also often printed as 3½" x 5½" postcards - a picture on the back, and space for a message and the address on the front. This has helped me identify several family photos from an album which my family came into possession of after the death of my great-uncle.

Here is a photograph of my great-grandmother Chaika. She was the mother of my maternal grandfather, Morris. This photo was taken at a studio in Paris, France, in June of 1928. (I guess she had not yet come to the USA, but at some point very shortly thereafter she did.) On the reverse is written (in English): "Souvenir of love to my dear son Morris from your dear and loving mother."

Attached Files 129-BubbeChaika1928.jpg

"For me, there's only my wife..."

"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

"It was a grass harp... And we listened."

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"

"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."