Alright, now you've got me needing to know stories about my family because I don't have much to tell!

I asked my mom, and she said he wasn't in the Shore Patrol. He was stationed in the Pacific (Marshall Islands at one point, I think) and after getting injured, ended up at a hospital in Hawaii. There's some story that I remember him telling, which I asked her about...apparently he was on a boat carrying supplies, and something caused an explosion that left only him and another guy on the boat alive. I don't know if that's what caused the injury, though. See, he'll tell a lot of stories when he's in a storytelling mood, but the same ones don't always have the same details when he tells them again. So he's got some great information, but I never know how true some of it is.

The last picture has no date on it, but I think it was sometime in the late 40s.