Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Am I the only one who finds watching movies in the theater a pain in the neck? I love the whole movie experience, but what I don't like is that the rest of the audience can have an affect (or is it effect) on how much I enjoy the movie. I absolutely hate it when someone near me is talking the entire time, or eating some sort of food that comes in a crinkly wrapper. Maybe it's just me, but I prefer watching a movie at home in complete silence so that I'm not distracted by people around me and can get sucked into the movie the way the makers intended.

No, you're not the only one. We talked about this briefly when FANTASTIC FOUR 2 and TRANSFORMERS came out because of all the kiddies who went to see it. Most of the times that I go to the theater it's fine, but kids movies now are beginning to be the death of me. The audience for TRANSFOMERS was fine but for FANTASTIC FOUR 2, the kids wouldn't shut up. Parents need to step in and tell them to shut up or Heaven forbid, take them out of the theater \:o I don't care if they paid for them or not. I didn't pay $8 to hear you or your brat during the movie. Likewise, I hate it when teenie boppers or adults talk during the movie. I also didn't pay $8 to hear your commentary on the movie. Why do people act as if they've never been to a movie before and are shocked to learn they have to be quiet?

 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Certain movies on the other hand are better in the theaters, such as Grindhouse... and usually extremely serious or disturbing movies keep people from talking because they are in shock. Opening night for a movie is usually good if there is a big fan base for the movie already, such as a comic book movie, or something along those lines. But for the most part, I don't like watching movies in the theater.

This is why I still go to the movies. Some movies you just HAVE to see on the big screen, such as GRINDHOUSE, 300, etc. Unfortunately, the audience is a craps shoot. However, if it's a movie that I'm really excited about like 300, GRINDHOUSE, TRANSFORMERS, THE SIMPSONS MOVIE, those opening night audiences are usually the best believe it or not. They are excited to see it too and understand the value of silence. But like I said, I'll always go to the theater to see a film on the big screen and try to tolerate the audience.