(First Viewing)

A Viking boy is left behind after his clan battles a Native American tribe. Raised within the tribe, he ultimately becomes their savior in a fight against the Norsemen.

This film was doomed from the beginning. Hardly any connection is established between the main character and his village. So when they're all cut down to size as they say, I don't give a sh*t. And that's how I felt for the entire film. People were being slaughtered onscreen, with the CGI blood flowing like red win, and I've got a case of the apathies. Secondly, I've never been a fan of Karl Urban's work. Ever since I saw him in the LORD OF THE RINGS films, I felt he was nothing more than a pretty boy trying to act tougher than he was. Finally, it's not too surprising to see this film fall flat as writer Laeta Kalogridis also helped write Oliver Stone's ALEXANDER. I think enough's said on that one.