I could probably fill up the entire page with a movie post. There are so many memories:

- as a youngster at the drive-in with my parents to see "Creature of the Black Lagoon". I probably saw 10 minutes of it.

- The Central Theater in Pearl River, NY - every Elvis movie that came out. Then my favorite "The Blob" with Steve McQueen and ever B grade horror movies of the late 50's early 60's.

- Teen years: - again at the Central Theater: "West Side Story" I wasn't a musical fan (like SB), but this one was cool.

- Any movie that you could put your arm around your girlfriend and then sneak a kiss.

- first date with my now wife of 36 years - "A Man and A Woman", how appropos.

- "The Endless Summer" - as a Jersey shore surfer, this was the epitome of life.

- "The Graduate" - went with my girlfriend (now wife) to Manhattan. Somewhere around 59th and 3rd Ave. Became a Simon and Garfunkel and Dustin Hoffman fan after that movie.

- "Night of the Living Dead" - went to drive-in for a night of "kissing". Wound up mesmerized by the zombies, never kissed.

- "Easy Rider" - again in Manhattan. Blew me away.

- "Jaws" - wouldn't go in the ocean (freaky for a surfer).

- "The Godfather" say no more.

- "Gone with the Wind". Saw it in the late 60's. Had to buy advance tickets. Didn't really impress me.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12