Originally Posted By: svsg
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
(First Viewing)

Here's a National Geographic style documentary that's alternately exploitive and informative. The film presents a wide variety of ways that humans interact with nature. It depicts the actual footage of a careless man (Pit Dernitz) leaving the safety of his car to film lions close up and ends up being their dinner. Other highlights include natives humping the ground in hopes of bringing life to the land, various big game hunting and last but not least naked hippies.

One of, if not THE worst documentary I've ever seen. Yes I should have seen it coming being that it is a grind house film, but still. This documentary was sick, brutal and even torturous at times. I feel the directors tried too hard to pull examples to support their 'hunting instincts claim' and failed. As you can probably tell I was offended by the material and will probably never watch this again. Count me out for the CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST.

Surprised you found it on DVD. When I was watching this genre of movies, I tried looking for a torrent of this movie, but could find only one source. Now I don't feel like watching it.

Yeah I would stay away from it. It was on this Grindhouse DVD that I bought last week: