BTW - The Yankee fans need to look at this trade deadline and be glad we sat on our hands. The other GM's were looking to rape our team. For example, the "best" offer for Kyle Farnsworth? Atlanta. They would have sent us Bob Wickman (arguably worse than Farnsy), and we would have to pay ALL of Farnsworthless' salary. Yeah. Like that.

Similar with Gagne - the Rangers wanted Hughes OR Chamberlain AND Melky. No way. And they wouldn't budge. So it's not too hard to see why Cashman did not make a big deal.

Add in the fact that we already made one big signing (Clemens) and will have Giambi, Hughes, and possible Chamberlain heading to the Major League club within the next two weeks, I don't think that outside of a blockbuster trade (i.e. acquiring Johan Santana or Teixeira), Cashman could have done anything other than get us mediocre players while the Yankees foot the bill. No thanks.