Persona (Bergman; 1966) ****

Visually stunning, deeply ambiguous, and wonderfully allegorical study of the human psyche. Bergman explores multiple themes of human relations and individual existence here, including the differences that lie between our internal and extrernal personae (thus, the title of the film), and our ability to know and reflect upon other human beings; two themes that have interested me for as long as I can remember. The film's form adds to this; there are multiple scenes where a still camera simply films a character (usually Alma) speaking, which is perhaps Bergman showing his internal persona, while there are also multiple scenes where Bergman abandons any type of dialogue/monologue in favor of a series of haunting, but seemingly meaningless images, which is perhaps Bergman's external persona showing through. Every scene in this film oozes with provocativeness, and a lot of the images Bergman creates will linger in my mind for quite some time. Incredible, incredible, incredible film.

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!