Originally Posted By: johnny ola
Wouldn't Johnny Ola's men been the obvious suspects? Since it was Roth that wanted Mike killed, and Ola was his Sicilian messenger boy, doesn't it make sense that Ola's men did it?

I agree with you. These were probably Johnny's men and Fredo probably helped them make their way onto the compound w/o being accounted for by security. They could have been stashed up in Fredo's place - the same place that the dead assassins are discovered ;\) - thus making Fredo's role very valuable to Roth's plot.

We know that Johnny and Roth "lied" to Fredo about something. Perhaps Fredo DIDN'T know it was going to be a hit and Ola told him that the men were just there to "snoop" around a bit. Or..Fredo DID know it was going to be a hit, and Roth/Ola didn't "lie" to Fredo per se, but they DID give him strict assurances that Mike would be DEAD. When Mike lived, Fredo crapped his pants b/c he knew that his kid brother would eventually find the traitor.

(Again, I don't necessarily think that any of this proves that Fredo knew it was going to be a hit. But..he obviously wanted to screw his brother over or he wouldn't have withheld the information about Pentangeli and Questadt. )