(First Viewing)

Walter Sparrow becomes obsessed with a novel that he believes was written about him. As his obsession increases, more and more similarities seem to arise.
I had previously heard this movie was pretty bad but others said it was pretty good. I agree with the former. The story is rather ludicrous about a "killing" number. And in addition to that, there wasn't much of a shock value to the ending. I'm not saying every film has to have shock value to enhance it, but when it's a kind of a "who's-done-it" movie, sometype of twist is appreciated, rather than just saying 'meh' when the entire story is finally revealed. Finally, some of the CGI is shoty and as I've said again and again, CGI should only be used to enhance the film. I hate it when directors use it just to use it because it's available or they think it'll look cool. Instead, it takes away from the film and looks cheap.