Originally Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger
Well I am up to Michael in Vegas now, and while the flow of the Saga has grown on me, I'm still torn. I still prefer the original films. I don't like how much of the deleted scenes with Vito take away the mystique of his character. I can't put my thumb on it now, but the original films definitely make him out to be a bigger character.

Also, I don't know if they save the Pearl Harbor flashback scene for the end of the Saga, but I was looking forward to seeing how it fit in-between the young Vito scenes and the beginning of Part I and it was gone all together. If they don't have that placed somewhere else I will be very unhappy.

And finally, most of the deleted scenes get in the way of the flow of the films. I am glad most of them are gone. I did like the scenes with Sonny after Vito is shot though. They are probably the best.

But I'll keep watching!

Plan on visiting the Corleone Estate?

-In my HOME!!! In my BEDROOM WHERE MY WIFE SLEEPS!! Where my children come and play with their toys. In my home.

-My father taught me many things here -- he taught me in this room. He taught me -- keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.