I'm sorry I asked. \:\(

I, too, have an "Oceana" memory.

1961... I was ten years old. My parents had a fight and my mom wanted to get out of the house so she took me to see a movie at The Oceana. It was "A Raisin in the Sun" (with Sidney Poitier in an absolutely awesome role). I may have been too young to fully grasp the story then but I remember being blown away by Poitier's acting. It was the first true dramatic movie that I sat through and the memory of seeing truly wonderful acting for the first time still stands fresh in my mind.

Getting some Mrs. Stahl's knishes on the way home was icing on the cake for me. \:\)

Last edited by SC; 07/28/07 06:17 AM. Reason: Mrs. Stahl's, not Shatzkin's
