Originally Posted By: Beth E
I believe there was a time when someone "lost their head" so to speak and it was rolling down a hill or something. I started yelling "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee", as if it were a ball rolling down a hill.

Geez ... even at that age you had a twisted sense of humor. \:p

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I also remember standing in line and waiting to see The Exorcist at it's debut. There was so much hype, I had read the book, seen interviews with cast on Merv Griffin/Mike Douglas shows and was so ready to see it.

I had first seen "The Exorcist" after it had been out for about a month... it was at this point that the hype about the movie was its highest. It was a Saturday night as my ex and I joined a mob in the theater's lobby (the theater management allowed the ticket holders to wait inside because it was raining out) to wait for the next show. The crowd that was inside watching the curent showing let out a LOUD collective scream and everyone in the lobby nearly shit their pants. Everyone looked at everyone else for some sort of comfort and then the lobby broke out into a Tower of Babble as we were tried to make sense out of what we just heard. My wife and I quickly befriended two other couples (who were just as nervous as my wife and myself). When it came time for us to enter the theater we all vowed to sit together for protection. (This was in a City theater.. when a movie theater was a REAL theater... 12, 1300 seats... not like the mini multiplexes today ... those old large houses added SO MUCH enjoyment to a movie; hearing other people scream or laugh or applaud made it more of "an experience").
