Good idea for a thread, Mick.

I have two that immediately come to mind:

1. "The Devil and Daniel Webster" - made in 1941 this wonderful fantasy tells of a farmer who is having a tough time and makes a deal with the devil (to do better). He does do better and when it comes time to pay the devil he wants "out". He's defended (in a fantasy court trial) by Daniel Webster, a wondeful orator of the day, excellently portrayed by Edward Arnold. The movie has an awesome cast of character actors (including Walter Huston and H.B. Warner) and the camera work adds wonderfully to the surreal feeling of the film. Its only available on (hard-to-find) VHS; one of my "prized possessions".

2. "The Next Voice You Hear" - stars James Whitmore (the old librarian in "Shawshank Redemption") and Nancy Davis (later better known as Nancy Reagan, wife of Ronald Reagan) in this 1950 "fantasy". It tells of an average American family and how they respond to the spectacle of God speaking to them (and EVERYONE else in the world) on the radio. Its a great "what if" film and addresses some interesting questions about our faith. Another "only VHS" release, and its hard to come by, but its worth the hunt.
