Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Okay, RRA. I just finished Survivor. What is the secret ending you are talking about?

This book was awesome. I had a hard time getting through the first third of the book then I couldn't put it down. There was one part that made me laugh out loud which had my girlfriend asking me "What? WHAT?! What's so funny? C'mon tell me!". So I had to to explain it and it wasn't really funny after trying to explian the dysfunctional writings of Palahniuk to her. She just thought I was crazy. The part was:

Warning, Spoiler:
When the main character, at the end of his fake wedding during the Super Bowl halftime, was just about to be arrested for murder, made his "miracle" of telling the final score of the game. The descriptions of the chaos that followed was so hilarious. From him running through the crowd with his steroid freak body, dodging and weaving through angry violent drunks while waving a burning bouquet of flowers... to the thousands of pounds of rice falling from the sky causing the mob to slip and fall and crash into one another. He even had time to stop and ask if they had a sandwich that he might like instead of what they had. Brilliant.

From Chuck's own words as told to his fansite THE WRITER'S CULT....

Warning, Spoiler:
"The end of Survivor isn't nearly so complicated. It's noted on page 7(8?) that a pile of valuable offerings has been left in the front of the passenger cabin. This pile includes a cassette recorder. Even before our hero starts to dictate his story -- during the few minutes he's supposed to be taking a piss -- he's actually in the bathroom dictating the last chapter into the cassette recorder. It's just ranting, nothing important plot-wise, and it can be interrupted at any point by the destruction of the plane. The minute the fourth engine flames out, he starts the cassette talking, then bails out, into Fertility's waiting arms (she's omniscient, you know). The rest of the book is just one machine whining and bitching to another machine. The crash will destroy the smaller recorder, but the surviving black box will make it appear that Tender is dead."


You gotta admit, if someone could work that ending into the possible film-adaptation.........groovy.