Originally Posted By: Turnbull
I think FFC and Puzo overdid Genco's cowardice in that scene, much as they overdid Fredo's stupidity in GF and II. But there was a point, ultimately, to both. In Genco's case, his fear of Fanucci (and the reluctance that Clemenza and Tesio showed in taking him on) underscored that Fanucci was really a wimp, and that his reputation as a "Black Hand" was just so much bluff. His character was historically accurate: in immigrant neighborhoods (not just Italian neighborhoods), individuals and small groups of toughs often invoked the name of feared organizations in the Old Country to terrorize the locals. But they had little real strength. Vito saw through the bluff. In Fredo's case, his weakness and stupidity led, in a complex way, to his betrayal of Michael, to the unforgettable outburst in the boathouse, and to his death at Michael's hand.

Speaking of Fredo's stupidity. I think we can agree that all of the family were well aware of Fredo's weakness in character and overall lack of intelligence. With this in mind, it always puzzled me, why they sent him to Las Vegas to learn the casino business. Since Mike said that they were thinking of getting out of the olive oil business and settling in Las Vegas, why would they use Fredo as the point man in the initial process of the move. I know it was obvious that much work was being done behind the scenes for the move, and that for all intents and purposes Fredo probably was sent out first, just to keep Moe Green occupied, until the real people got out there. But I still see it as being quite a step up for someone that was used to running mickey mouse nightclubs and picking up people at the airport.

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