Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Johnny, although you might infer from Fredo's put-on naive attitude that he hadn't been to Cuba before, he didn't literally say that: he asked if there was anyone in Havana that he knew. I think C_L is right in assuming that Fredo, as a veteran of the Nevada casino and brothel biz, would have had occasion to visit Cuba earlier (millions of Americans did); and in any event, an old whoremaster/two-at-a-time, cocktail-waitress-banger like Fredo could be relied on to sniff out some "good times" for raunchy politicians even if Michael had been hosting them in Stalinist Moscow.

I can agree that it is very possible that Fredo had previously been to Cuba and didn't want Mike to know, and yes, there is no doubt that person such as Fredo would have no problem sniffing out places of adult entertainment, but the fact does remain that Fredo gave Johnny Ola credit for finding the Superman show, whick leads me to think that Fredo was never in Cuba before, or that Johnny Ola was a better "sniffer" then Fredo, which considering Ola's style of dress doesn't seem very plausible.

I love my Chrysler and tuna fish sandwiches.