Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: johnny ola
 Originally Posted By: wtwt5237
 Originally Posted By: johnny ola

From Fredo's dialogue it seemed to me that he was never in Cuba before.

He pretended to be new to Cuba just to trick Micheal into believing he didn't know Roth.

Interesting theory, but one I don't completely subscribe to. We all know that Fredo wasnt smart enough to trick Mike, and it appears that Mike was completely taken back when Fredo made the revalation of Johnny Ola at the superman show.

I also think that Mike was constantly aware of Fredo's movements while he was in Las Vegas, and if Fredo was gone for at least 3-4 days, Mike would have known and questioned Fredo.

Ola, you're making alot of assumptions that don't merit your speculative conslusions. Pacino's acting skills properly conveyed his characters devastation upon the realization that not only had Fredo led him on about not knowing Roth and being in Cuba before, but that Fredo might very well be the traitor in the family.

I believe at the foudation of all these discussions and questions are assumptions and speculation. In any event, just for the sake of discussion, isn't it possible that Johnny Ola could have shown Fredo where the superman show was between the time Mike asked him to provide entertainment and they actually got there?

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