Is Vito Corleone in the godfather part 1 and 2 shown to be too good. I mean he kills Famucci and Don cicci for survival and vengence but hes personality is shown to be a humble man. He is never shown exploiting the community and beating people up because they wont pay him (a bit odd for a mafiso). The only scene that comes close is the rent scene where Vito makes the rent payer grovel. I always saw this as an act of bullying and intimidating the rent man but watching it again its supposed to be funny.

The ultimate question i have is that Making Vito too good in the movie it makes it hard to jugde him as a bad man but sometimes i see him as a hero who is helping the community but shouldnt they have sown Vito exploiting the community (beating people up because the wont pay) as he was a mafiso.