Originally Posted By: LLC
He did give a great performance. I include this as one of three films (that I know off the top of my head) that Marky Mark does well in, and are actually worth a damn. I enjoyed this, Boogie Nights and I Heart Huckabees, but I can't think of any other films of his that didn't really suck. Am I forgetting one?
Three Kings is excellent. I haven't seem him in many films, but everyone I've seen him he's impressed me. Which films of his have you seen that weren't good?

 Originally Posted By: RRA
Seriously, if only people listened to me, your lives would be longer.
Yeah, but our grammar would go to shit. \:p

I watched my 38th and 39th Hitchcock films last night; his worst, which is Juno and the Paycock, and Lifeboat, a moderately brilliant effort.

Two more Bunuel films, too: The Milky Way and Tristana. The former has a fantastic ending: Jesus cures two blind people, and then one says, "I saw a bird! I recognised it by the sound of its ears!" Then Jesus gets upset because the guy interrupted Him saying how He's on Earth not to bring peace, but to cause family members to fight one another, because nobody is allowed to love anybody more than they love Him. The final shot suggests those two "cured" blind people haven't been cured at all.

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Capo de La Cosa Nostra; 07/19/07 12:26 PM.

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?