Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
What about Paul Greengrass for UNITED 93?
What about Alfonso Cuaron for CHILDREN OF MEN?
What about Guillermo Del Toro for PAN'S LABYRINTH?
What about Darren "Fuck You" Arronofsky over THE FOUNTAIN?

I may be wrong, but wasn't Little Miss Sunshine up for best picture as well? I know lighthearted comedies don't usually win awards, but that movie was my favorite from last year. Followed by Apocalypto (no nominations right?) and Pan's Labyrinth.

By the way, did you see The Fountain? It was fucking amazing. I think you'd really enjoy it. I think it was my favorite film of 2006, followed by Pan's Labyrinth and A Scanner Darkly.

Yes it was amazing, and I'm now honored that I actually saw it in theatres.

Yes, I'll use that over the younger kids 10 years from now.