Our guy, Milo Hamilton, is really fun, energetic, and loveable, but my mom always gets annoyed with the way he calls, or doesn't call, home runs.

He'll say stuff like:
"It's a fly ball...back...Lee backs up...he's near the wall...."

*long pause*

"....and that one went all the way out there."

My mom always says that he never actually will say, but instead will leave you wondering, not sure if it was actually a homer or just a fly-out.

Stuff like that really gets to me. Like when games broadcast on TV don't have the batter's count showing, or especially if the score isn't showing...it seems to happen more often on non-Astros games that I've seen, rather than our broadcasts. I'll just tune in, and I'm waiting to see the score - then it's nearing a commercial break, and I'm thinking I'll get to see it, and they never show it!

And one game at the ballpark...for about half of an inning, the big light-up scoreboard that shows the stats, lineups, runs, hits, innings, etc. did NOT show the count for the batter. And I'm at the stadium, so it's my only source to keep an eye on throughout the at-bats. I went nuts.

Little stuff like that...