So Part 1 was on AMC and I watched a small portion of the wedding. There's a certain part where I think Connie and Carlo are dancing and there is some goof dancing with a ridiculous tie on. The tie is red with yellow polka dots. His dancing is hard to describe but rivals Elaine's dancing from Seinfeld minus the kicking. This all occurs during the reception before the story of Enzo is told.

EDIT: Haha, I didn't finish my post for whatever reason. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed it. I searched for "Guy with red tie" and nothing came up. He is definitely getting into it and was just wondering if people got a laugh about it. This is probably the 20th time I've seen the film and the first time I've noticed this guy. So please, let me know what you think.

Last edited by DonColletti; 07/16/07 02:16 AM.

His whole life was a million to one shot