Originally Posted By: The Last Woltz

True, in the deleted scene he counsels Sonny to wait and consult with Vito. But after the hospital he changes his tune fast. Michael realizes that Santino was not wrong at all. He sides with Sonny over Tom by supporting (and committing) Sollozzo's murder.

Michael and Sonny are more alike than most realize. Michael's thinking is every bit as aggressive as Sonny's, but Michael adds a cerebral, strategic dimension that Sonny lacks.

I don't consider Michael "slow and steady" at all. He moves boldly and forcefully once he has identified a goal or an enemy.

Never said Sonny was wrong.
Never said Sonny and Michael werent alike in their thinking.

I am saying that Sonny didnt have the Don-like skills to pull it off. Women and children can be careless... Don's cant. ;\)

"What I want.... whats most important to me... is that I have a guarantee" - Train approaches.... Bang! Bang! Bang!