To answer your question Olivant, remember what he says to Michael in the deleted Genco hospital scene? He asks him about his medals and then sarcastically remarks "what miracles you perform for strangers."

Remember what Michael says to Sonny when they are talking about the war and Sonny remarks " Your country is not your blood." Michael's reply? " That's pop talking."

I think that no matter where Vito lived his only concern was his family, his business, and how he could make both better. Country to him was secondary. An afterthought. What did his native country do for him when his family was wiped out? What did his new country do for him when his living was taken away by a local mobster? I don't believe that he cared what others thought about his lack of loyalty to the country.

I think that sums it up best about Vito and patriotism.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.