ps3 BLOWS!!!, One of the reasons people think ps3 is better is because of the cell processor, the fact is, its too hard to program for, there for many games have been cancelled for it, and not only due to how hard programming is for the ps3, the cost for development is much higher, which means even small developers can't make any new games for it. This is a fact confirmed by Bloomberg who made a deep investigation on the ps3...Heres a quote. "Developing for sony's platform is incrementally more complex than what your looking for at microsoft or nintendo, the cost of making games for the ps3, which could reach the 25 million dollar mark, could alienate cashconcious thirdparty publishers." That means of course thanks to the cell processor, hundreds of video games from third-party publishers will not be available for the ps3. Of course the ps3's is more superior to the 3 in xbox 360 has but the ps3's low memory resourcers and limited bandwidth the console won't be able to use the processor's full capacity. Another excuse that sony has to prove that the ps3 is the most superior of all systems is the blue ray disc, alot of people think that the blue ray disc will replace current standard formats just like CD's replaced cassettes 10 years ago, but the truth is that blue-rays price is even to high to consider that possibility. unlike HD dvd industry you will have a little support from the industry.If you want to watch a movie that isnt that popular then you probably wont find it in blue ray format. just look back at 2007 they released the not so popular PSP, they released UMD for it which had a little support from the movie industry and there for was a complete failure, and that is why the nintendo ds dominated it at the market ratings, even to this day...and another thing is that the price for blue ray's are like 30 bucks more than xbox games is because they cost so much to make, plus 25GB to save a game???? ridiculous!!!!!! There is so much more i could go on about but ive pretty much gave you an idea of why it sucks. so...there you have it go waste your money.