GF1: I just can't get over the scene when Michael and Enzo were waiting outside the hospital until Sollozzo's men came to kill Don Corleone. Michael was cool in that scene....Also the scene when Michael was confronting Carlo asking him who approached him to set-up Sonny....Of course, the baptism where the 5 heads of the Mafia Families were killed.

GF2: When Michael found out that Fredo betrayed him....Fredo's death scene....Vito Corleone holding Michael in his arms after killing Fanucci.

GF3: Michael's confession...really touching! smile

(Michael):"It was you Fredo. I know it was you. You broke my heart. You broke my heart."
(Michael): There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.