Originally Posted By: svsg
I liked Oceans 11. The chemistry among the actors was great and I liked it for having a lot of clever action scenes compared to oceans 12. Andy garcia is totally relegated to some small role in 12 and many others were not utilized at all.
Oceans 11(nice entertainment) - **
Oceans 12(boring) - no stars

You know, OCEAN'S 12's fatal mistake....besides the plot twist making no DAMN sense at all....is that you have people that absolutely do nothing. They're bloated dead weight. Nevermind appearances of people like Willis and Izzard who just add weight to the sinking Titanic.

I still think each OCEAN'S movie should have been about Pitt/Damon/Clooney assembling 8 new criminals for each cinematic scheme. At least make it interesting at each round of bat.

OCEAN'S 13 tried to cut out some of the dead weight. Roberts & Jones were not brought back. Yet #13 did have a plot turn in the 3rd Act involving a character from OCEAN'S 12 that I could have lived without.