After I got home from my aunt's house last night, I ate 4 pieces of toast with epic amounts of cream cheese spread on each of them, then a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on pita bread, two cups of chocolate pudding, and then I poured myself a tall glass of raspberry iced tea and decided to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A half hour into the movie, I started to feel nauseous. The fact that these guys were hallucinating wasn't helping either. In a matter of seconds my nauseousness turned into one of those stomachaches that bring you to your hands and knees. I crawled to the bathroom, and tried to throw up, but couldn't. I stayed on the bathroom floor for three hours (until 5:30 in the morning) until I was able to throw up. When I did, it felt amazing. The vomit was a dark shade of red; the same color as the raspberry iced tea I was drinking.

Last edited by DonVitoCorleone; 07/05/07 01:35 PM.

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!