Originally Posted By: Double-J
Don Cardi, why do you waste your time with logic?

I can almost guarantee that the reply will include some sort of amalgamation of: "They're lying to you...", "The government says that because...", "(insert name of conspiracy theorist here) says that...", etc. etc.

And something about being a sheep as well. \:p

I'm glad you think so highly of these boards.

Save for Patrick, we've never had a loony leftie around these parts. He would have to be the one guy that maybe would believe in those 9/11 conspiracy nonsense.

Hell, he might have been the one person who would think Rosie O'Donnell would have something substantial to say.

I don't see anyone on these boards, left or not, that DON'T think she's a jackass who somehow made Donald Trump more sympathetic.