Originally Posted By: Paul Pisano
Looks like wal mart is having some good movies in the $5.50 bin:

Dark Blue
Escape from N.Y.
Escape from L.A.
The Long Riders.

You know what? They're worth it.

ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK kicks so much ass as a guerilla-gritty made lean mean B-action machine. Plus, Isaac Hayes as the Duke of New York. He makes the U.S. President his bitch.

"Ya da duke, a #1!"

ESCAPE FROM L.A. I enjoy. Not as stylish nor as grungy as EFNY, but EFLA works as an insane escapist(pun!) Italian cinema cartoon that Hollywood rarely produces without going into Michael Bay stupidity. Plus, Bruce Campbell and Steve Buschemi in the same movie.

Its money.

THE LONG RIDERS is a pretty good Walter Hill western that had the gimmick of real-life actor brothers (Keach/Carradine/Quaid clans) as the gang itself. Really, I miss that Walter Hill of THE WARRIORS era instead of 48 HOURS era.

DARK BLUE is decent, but Kurt Russell gives it his all...and he is worth watching just for that.