Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Well put, Blibble.

In all fairness to these "athletes," it's the media whores that cover this shit that are to blame.

Still, I'd rather read about a hot dog eating contest than Eva Longoria's wedding, any day.

There is an actual world association of competitive eating that sanctions these events.

When I was eight, I was in a youth watermelon eating contest and lost to a kid with no hands. \:\/
Because of his disability, the contest organizers disallowed any of the participants from using their hands, which made the whole thing messy. Cookie Fanelli was apparently winning when he was disqualified for instinctively positioning his third rind with his left hand. His mother went nuts, and I remember her arguing that it wasn't his fault that he had hands. She also accused the boy with no hands of using his stubs and elbows.

Cookie Fanelli would eventually have his day in the sun. The park that hosted the watermelon eating contest had a bicycle decorating contest that he won. He only put a few balloons on the bike while other participants, had much more creative, colorful and beautifully decorated bikes. Also, even though he was ten, Cookie was still riding with one training wheel, leaning his pudgy frame to the left as carefully rode in front of the judges. Cookie won, I learned decades later, because the judges were so damned scared of his mother.

Last edited by klydon1; 07/03/07 10:31 PM.