Originally Posted By: reynols
 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: reynols
not that im defending rosie or anything but what happended to wtc 7, why would that building fall?? dont bury your face in the sand that was a planned demolition

Don't bury your face in the sand. Tell me something. Were you there? Did you see what happened first hand?

no i wasnt there nor am i claiming to be, i would like to know how the building fell untouched????

Untouched? How do you figure that it went untouched?

Two 110 story buildings that were right across the street from building seven fell to the ground, pancake style. The impact of those buildings coming down caused instability in building seven. Before the collapse of the twin towers, two planes full of fuel crashed into the two towers causing firey debris to hit building seven. Building seven had diesel fuel reservoirs for backup power generators. Those diesel fuel generators exploded from the fires that were started when the firey debris hit that building. Between the collapse of the twin towers causing an earthquake type reaction to the surounding area, and the firey debris causing the diesel fuel generators to blow up, the result was an eventual collapse of building seven.

You can't imagine the damage that was done to many of the surrounding buildings in the area from the debris that hit them when the planes crashed into the buildings and then again upon the collapse of the towers. Not to mention the cracks and splits in the ground as far as 3 blocks away from the twin towers collapsing. The ground split and broke as though an earthquake had occurred. And in reality, the collapse of the two building did cause an earthquake like result to some of the buildings and the streets in the area.

These conspiracy theorists have absolutey no clue whatsoever what they are talking about. I've read some that claim that building 7 was 3 blocks away from the Twin Towers! Not true. I worked there for 17 years at the time of the attack, and I assure you that building 7 was directly across the street from the twin towers.

Ground Zero, New York City, N.Y. (Sept. 16, 2001) -- A lone fire engine at the crime scene in Manhattan where the World Trade Center collapsed following the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. Surrounding buildings were heavily damaged by the debris and massive force of the falling twin towers.U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Eric J. TIlford. (RELEASED)

The World Financial Center which is across the street from the former Twin Towers. Look closely at the buildings that are still standing and notice the structural damage to them caused by flying debris from the collapse of the Twin Towers.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.