Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I think Abreu has mental problems. He reminds me of Armando Benitez, all the talent in the world EXCEPT he can't handle pressure. Small, minor detail, Bobby.

If it weren't for A-Rod the Yanks would be 20 games out right now instead of 11.

Not that it matters, this season is on the verge of being over.

Abreu has no problem at all with pressure. His career has been one of complacency. Winning was never paramount to him. Before you can feel pressure, you have to give a damn, and I never got the impression from his years in Philly that it mattered whether the team won or lost.

One thing about him that you may not know: In his second last season with the Phils, he was engaged to a gorgeous model. He was about 2 weeks from his wedding when he discovered that she was all over hard core internet porn sites.

The wedding was off and so was his swing.