Originally Posted By: klydon1
I bought the Born in the USA cassette in 1985, and between moves and the years, I lost it. A couple of weeks ago I was at a church festival that had a flea market. I was walking through the aisles with my daughter, and because it was the last night and getting late, they said if you see anything you like, just take it. There I saw the old Born in the USA cassette along with the River. It was like reuniting with an old friend.

That's cool, Klydon - funny how stuff like that sometimes works out. I still have all of the Bruce stuff on vinyl up until the Live 1975-85 album. There's something still very nostalgic about an old cassette or record, minus the poorer sound.

In even more useless trivia, Born in the USA was the first cd Columbia ever released.

It's still around, but nowhere near as great as it used to be, in Cleveland - a fantastic radio station called WMMS 100.7. A DJ named Kid Leo, famous in the 70s and 80s, was a huge Springsteen supporter. He used to get advance airings of his releases and play a lot of rare stuff. Not only was Springsteen on the airwaves with the BITUSA material from 1984-85, his songs like "Trapped" from We are the World, "Light of Day" sung by Joan Jett, and "Pink Cadillac" were always on the Cleveland airwaves during that timeframe.