Originally Posted By: Irishman12
(Third Viewing)

This true story follows FBI agent Joe Pistone as he infiltrates the mafia of New York. Befriending Lefty Ruggiero, Pistone (under the name Donnie Brasco) is able to embed himself in a mafia faction lead by Sonny Black. Ruggiero and Pistone become tight as the group goes about collecting money for 'the bosses'. Eventually, the group become big time when Black himself becomes a boss, all the while Pistone collects evidence. However, the trials and tribulations of the undercover work become more than Pistone can bear. His marriage falls apart and to top it off, the mafia suspect a mole in the organization. The real dilemma is afforded to Pistone, who knows if he walks away from the mafia, Ruggiero will be the one punished.

I gave this film a third try and it still didn't do it for me so I think I'm finally done with DONNIE BRASCO. I know a lot of people enjoyed this film but for whatever reason, it never excited me. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either. Al Pacino was his usual great self as Benjamin 'Lefty' Ruggiero. Here's the first problem I had with the film. When we're introduced to Lefty in the beginning of the film he comes across as a big mob guy/bad motherf*cker. But very quickly into the movie his character to me becomes soft and by the end, almost a p*ssy. Secondly, Johnny Depp, as much as I love him didn't impress me at all really with this film. Sure he got the forgeddaboutit line done cold, but other than that I thought his performance was kind of stale. Also, Michael Madsen did a fine job but I don't think he had the same charisma that so many people loved from his Mr. Blonde character in RESERVOIR DOGS.

"Here's the first problem I had with the film. When we're introduced to Lefty in the beginning of the film he comes across as a big mob guy/bad motherf*cker. But very quickly into the movie his character to me becomes soft and by the end, almost a p*ssy."

Irish, do you understand something literal or you understand the depths of humanity yet?

Lefty is a low-ranking scum sucker for the Mob. Hell, remember that scene when he's smashing a parking meter with a hammer to get those coins? He's pathetic....he won't ever be anyone, even in his outfit...and partly its because he's a fool. In a way, most mobsters are like Lefty more than they are honest or intelligent, right?

But he has the power to beat up people for their cash ,and get away with it. Plus with the Florida night club gig with Donnie, Lefty feels like a big shot now.

Really, its like if Tony Montana in SCARFACE stayed a low-ranking pusher/enforcer. Pacino plays Lefty so pathetically, you would almost sympathize with him....almost.

"Secondly, Johnny Depp, as much as I love him didn't impress me at all really with this film. Sure he got the forgeddaboutit line done cold, but other than that I thought his performance was kind of stale. Also, Michael Madsen did a fine job but I don't think he had the same charisma that so many people loved from his Mr. Blonde character in RESERVOIR DOGS.[/quote]"

What, you wanted Depp to do gimmicky acting where he's over the top this side of the PIRATES movies or ED WOOD or whatever some quirky stuff?

Depp kicks ass because imagine having to work a job where you have to wear a "mask" and be someone else 24/7....and certainly in the film, its obvious that as Joe Pistone is dying, "Donnie Brasco" is taking over.....why? Maybe because its more fun to be a high profilin/stylin gangster than a shit-paid FBI Agent.

I'm sure with your logic Irish, Al Pacino is stale as hell in SERPICO, or Christian Bale was stiff as hell in PRESTIGE and BATMAN BEGINS (funny that both Chris Nolan pictures involve identity).

As for MICHAEL MADSEN, whats with you? Mr. Blonde in RESERVOIR DOGS is a psychopath who gets a kick from sadism...and he boasts himself because I'm sure people fear him. But Madsen's character in DONNIE BRASCO is the absolute epitome of the Mafia: Using the bullshit of "code" and "honor," he betrays and kills everyone in his path to taking over...while guys like Lefty, who like to think they follow the code somewhat, end up working for him.

Really Capo, am I right?