Originally Posted By: goombah
It's funny that you mentioned recently discovering Zep. I "discovered" them when I was in high school as well (I think you're about that age or early in your college career), long after John Bonham's death and after their popularity had faded.
Yeah, besides not finding out about them until now, I feel like I really missed out by not being around for their whole musical era. I was talking to my dad's friend after finding out he went to a bunch of concerts when he was younger and got to see some great musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, and it turns out he saw Zeppelin live. He mentioned that they played Dazed and Confused, so I asked if it was a long improv with the great bow work by Jimmy, and he said it was...which just made me jealous. Everytime I watch a live performance clip at YouTube, I just imagine actually being there, in front of those guys, and hearing them work their magic.

I definitely agree about the mystery of the band...all that I've learned about them shows that, and I think it's part of what makes them so great.

I've seen Hammer of the Gods mentioned in many things I've read online about LZ, so I'd really like to check it out. Your recommendation serves as further motivation - hopefully I'll get it online or at Half-Price books someday.