Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
If you really feel murder is the way to go about the problem, at least kill them with some dignity.

maybe we should blow ourselves up to kill them

I really hope that dignity part was a joke and you forgot the wink at the end.

If nothing else, I forgot to put a rolling-eye icon at the end.

What gives them the right to kill?

What gives us the right to kill?

We're all human beings, no one is better than anyone else, and the sooner people start to comprehend that, the sooner we can REALLY begin to take care of the "issue" of terrorism. It's a self-prolonged issue. It all stems from a whole bunch of rubbish pertaining to elitism. Of course, we'd never actually admit that it is elitism... but that is indeed what it is. We prefer to call it "patriotism" or "nationalism," but it's all a bunch of elitism, nativist, almost fascist, bullshit that can be summed up amongst the likes of "fuck you, I'm better than you." That's the ideology behind a terrorist, and apparently, that's the ideology behind a "counter-terrorist."

"Counter-Terrorist"... There's and interesting term that I've yet to really dissect, but let's have a go at it, shall we? Terrorist, as in terrorism, and counter, as in counteract. It would seem we are counteracting with terrorism, by committing our own acts of terrorism against the terror-originators. It's a fine line, isn't it? If terrorism is immoral, does that make counter-terrorism moral? Can morality even become a relevant concept in war?

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
If you really feel murder is the way to go about the problem, at least kill them with some dignity.

Are you for real?? Why should we show these inhumane animals any dignity? Do they show any of they're victims the slightest ounce of dignity? Hell no they don't. Eye for an eye buddy \:\/

Who jurisdicts who is and is not an "animal" ? You? I? So, let's assume they are indeed "animals." Do we stoop to their level, and therefore become "animals."

If they are animals, and we go about murdering at site, then we've become a pack of dumb beasts.

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
No I agree with LLC here. We should be honored when we blow away a terrorist. It's a noble thing to eradicate a terrorist. When we kill a terrorist it shows poise and self respect. The killing of a terrorist elevates our character. It's good for our self esteem. It would be beneath us to let them live.

That is the biggest crock of elitist, fascist bullshit I've ever heard. We should be honored? No one should feel honor when they take another life. If you are telling me that you would feel honored in putting a gun to the temple of another lifeform, friend or foe, and feel honor when you pull the trigger and take its life, you are very damaged. Men should never honored when they have to employ murder to settle their differences, but unfortunately, as long as there are dense minds in the world, we're going to continue to rely on violence and murder.

For gods sake, this is supposed to be "the land of the free" not the fucking Planet of the Apes.

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
The only problem with locking them up is you run the chance of a liberal judge looking to make a name for himself and let this *&^% out of prison. Like I said before this is a sad scary world.

I spent minute after minute trying to find "*&^%" in the dictionary, but I keep pulling a blank. So, I'm going to respond to the body of text surrounding it...

I don't think liberal judges, as you put it, are out there going around freeing terrorists. Can you please find a case that follows the criteria we are discussing, in which any terrorists have been set free?

Please find documentary evidence of a case that follows the following criteria:

-Terrorists caught in the act of committing terrorism
-Leftist or liberal judge
-Suspects equitted of all charges

Then we'll talk.

 Originally Posted By: Double-J
 Originally Posted By: bogey
I don't think a "liberal" judge would release a terrorist from prison to "make a name for himself." People would be outraged, and he'd have to have a pretty damn good reason for doing it.

Not that it is necessarily the same, but we've had "judges" let pedophiles go scot-free despite being previously convicted of molestation, and more than likely to do it again.

And the same goes for those "judges" who let people with four or five DUI/DWI's go forth and drive.

Did you just compare flying an aircraft into a building or driving a flaming truck into an occupied terminal to having sex with boys and driving drunk?

Oh, Big J, you clever linguist! You're a pile of thematic gold!

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."