Originally Posted By: Double-J
Forget trading Abreu, except maybe as a rental, with the Yankees picking up nearly all of the salary. He's an FA after this year, so no team will want to pick him up unless they are desperate (DESPERATE) for a right fielder in the playoffs.

Giambi should be gone - the Angels need a power hitter, and have shown interest before the injury/Selig stuff - so I suspect # 2+5 = 7 will be gone.

They will try to move Damon too, if not by the deadline than before the start of next season.

Other movers? Expect Farnsworth to be gone within the next week or so. I don't think his hissy fit and cursing at Torre will go over well. Much of the bullpen will probably be scrapped. Bye bye Moose.

Hopefully, this is the good kind of rebuilding. I'd even be content to keep Cashman. Not sure about Torre (do we want a *true* fresh start) but I'd love to see Girardi at the help with a group of younger, hungry players.

The biggest issue will be getting players to waive their No-Trade-Clauses (full or partial/10+5), but hopefully the prospect of "rebuilding" will motivate someone like Giambi to go to a contender like Los Angeles.

Torre is out with the Yankees anyway by the end of the season, or whenever the Boss loses his patience.

The question is, will Papa George do the right thing and hire Giradi as his replacement, or Don I'M A LEGEND DAMMIT, THATS ENOUGH FOR ME! Mattingly?

I say Giradi. He turned down the Orioles job, and quite frankly, hes impressed me more than Donny Mac. Giradi has won the NL Manager of the Year hardware in his first full season, he's a Yankee, he's got fire in his belly, and you know what?

I actually could see him bitchsmacking A-Rod or Jeter or Damon or anyone that whines to him. Really, I picture him as the new Billy Martin.

Which means, Papa George will hire him three times over many years...