Originally Posted By: SC
Fox News is now reporting that the security level in Britain has been raised to "Critical". They may be expecting another attack somewhere.

Britain's Terror Level At Critical After Attack
Officials Say Glasgow Airport Attack Linked To Thwarted London Bombings

CBS News Interactive: Global Terror

(CBS) GLASGOW, Scotland Four arrests have been made in connection with terrorist attacks in London and Scotland, as Britain's security posture has moved to its highest possible level.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she had raised the security level to critical — indicating terrorist attacks are imminent — and ordered security to be tightened in response to events over last 48 hours.

A vehicle that crashed into Glasgow's airport Saturday was being treated as a potential terror attack linked to two car bombs found Friday in London, police said.

The two men who were in the car at the Glasgow airport were arrested on the scene shortly after the crash. Police searched Saturday for a man who witnesses saw running from one of the cars in London.

Police said two additional people were arrested in northern England early Sunday morning.

Glasgow police chief Willie Rae announced the incidents were connected and said a suspect device had been found on a man wrestled to the ground by officers and hospitalized in critical condition with severe burns.

"We believe the incident at Glasgow airport is linked to the events in London yesterday," Rae said. "There are clearly similarities and we can confirm that this is being treated as a terrorist incident."

The chaos over the past two days has raised fears that the type of car bomb attacks that have become commonplace in Iraq may now become a fixture of European life.

The new terror threat presents Prime Minister Gordon Brown with an enormous challenge just three days after taking office, and comes at a time of already heightened vigilance one week before the anniversary of the July 7 London transit attacks.

"I know that the British people will stand together, united, resolute and strong," Brown said Saturday in a televised statement. He defended raising the alert level, which has not been at critical since the August 2006 plot to blow up several trans-Atlantic flights.

One former top British security official said terrorists appeared to be trying to take advantage of the inexperience of the new government.

"This is a very young government, and we may yet see further attacks. ... We are seeing a pattern of attack in the early days of a new government," Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, former head of Britain's joint intelligence committee, told Sky News television.

The previous round of terrorist activity in Britain, in July 2005, was largely carried out by local Muslims, raising ethnic tensions in Britain.

President George W. Bush was being kept informed of the situation, the White House said. "We're in contact with British authorities on the matter," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council, in Washington.

A Jeep Cherokee trailing a cascade of flames rammed into Scotland's largest airport on Saturday, shattering glass doors and stopping within yards of where holidaymakers were lined up at check-in counters. Two people were arrested — one of them on fire.

The green Jeep barreled toward Glasgow's main airport terminal at full speed shortly after 3 p.m., hitting security barriers before crashing into the glass doors and exploding, witnesses said.

Police wrestled the driver and a passenger, both described by witnesses as South Asian, to the ground, arresting them and taking one to the hospital. Witnesses said one of the men was engulfed in flames and spoke "gibberish" as an official used a fire extinguisher to douse the fire.

One of the men driving in the car was in critical condition at a hospital for severe burns while the other man was in police custody, said Rae.

He said a bystander was taken to the hospital with a leg injury.

Rae said a "suspect device" was found on the suspect at the hospital and it was taken to a safe location where it was being investigated.

Rae would not say whether the device was a suicide belt.

Police mounted increased patrols in a jittery London Saturday as detectives conducted an intense hunt for a man seen running from an explosives-packed car in the heart of the city's entertainment district.

Two Mercedes loaded with gasoline, gas canisters and nails were found abandoned Friday in what police believe was an attempt to kill scores or even hundreds of people. Detectives said they were keeping an open mind about the perpetrators, but terrorism experts said the signs pointed to an al Qaeda-linked or inspired cell.

CBS News has learned the police have been able to reconstruct the journey of the bomb vehicles through London using closed-circuit TV images.

And using license plate recognition technology, the police now know precisely where and when the bombers brought their cars into central London.

Those video cameras are sophisticated and sensitive at night. Sources say there are good quality images of both drivers. CBS News has learned that the police know the identity of at least one of the suspects.

Intelligence officials were examining a post to an Islamist Web site — published hours before the cars were found, as first reported by CBS News — that suggested Britain would be attacked for awarding a knighthood to the novelist Salman Rushdie and for intervening in Muslim countries.


Maybe you're right SC. Maybe it's time to kill them and anyone associated with them. Before they kill us.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.