Saw Live Free or Die Hard last night. This is why I hate movie studios, they had to make this film PG-13! No blood, no cursing, no nothing! It is far from being a Die Hard film. How many snotty pre-teens know who John McClane is? I doubt many do. Even the franchise's catch phrase, "Yippy kay yay motherfucker" is cut down.

Some of the action scenes are neat, but are way over the top. I always say to my self, "Never see a PG-13 film." and I did it again. FOX should be ashamed of themselves, this is an R rated franchise. If you plan on seeing this, just rent the first three instead.

Verdict: C-

"When my time comes, tell me, will I stand up?"
Paulie "Walnuts" Gaultiere - The Sopranos