Originally Posted By: Ice
All of these particular youtube videos RAWKS!!!

Guns n Roses-It's So Easy LIVE 88

Led Zeppelin-Houses Of The Holy

Both songs are in my Top Ten by G'N'R and Led Zep, respectively. I was really excited about "Houses" because I thought it was a live version, but still a cool compilation. \:\/

Usually all the radio plays from "Appetite" is "Paradise City," "Sweet Child," and "Jungle." But what makes that album so freaking great are songs like "It's So Easy," "Mr. Brownstone," "Rocket Queen," and "Nighttrain." One of the best debut albums of all-time, IMO. It's too bad Axl went crazy and ruined what could have been an truly great, long-lasting band. "Chinese Democracy" still has yet to see the light of day...

A funny clip of Larry David and the actor who played "Bookman" on Seinfeld. Larry is waiting to see a doctor and gets into it with the doctor about using the waiting room phone:

There's definitely a prick involved