Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
They're like those ridiculous Mary Poppins accents. They're actually quite easy to point out once you've heard one.

They're very comical, in my mind. The slang is over-the-top, and the actual pronunciations are just ridiculous.

Just for fun, I copied what you just wrote LLC, and pasted it into Babelfish, which is an online translator, just in case anyone didn't know. I translated it into Japanese, which gave me this:

"それらはメリーそれらのばかばかしいPoppins アクセントのようである。それらは1 つを聞いたら指摘しかなり易い実際に。 それらは私の心で非常にこっけい、である。俗語はに上であり、実際の発音はちょうどばかばかしい。"

I copied that Japanese text, and translated it back to English, and this is how it came back:

"Those seem like the Poppins accent where Mary those are ridiculous. Those when you inquire about one, are easy to become indication, really. Those are very humorous, with my heart. It is on the slang range, actual pronunciation is exactly ridiculous."

I love translators.

My favorite part is "It is on the slang range, actual pronunciation is exactly ridiculous."

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes